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     Records 701 to 725 of 1022
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Bill No
Bill Title
Bill Status
Senate Bill 1450 Budget Reform Act Legarda, Loren, B Finance 1450(3).PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 5590 Budget Reform Act of 2017 Nograles, Karlo Alexei, B Appropriations 5590.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 1319 Child Restraint Act Velarde, Mariano Michael, M Transportation HB 1319.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 387 Child Support Enforcement Act Ocampo, Rosenda Ann, Revision Of Laws HB 387.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 831 Children’s Health and Nutrition Program Act of 2016 Recto, Ralph, G Health and Demography Untitled_20170420_142935(1).PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 3694 Children’s Media Protection Act Castelo, Winston Winnie, Public Information HB 1524 and 3694(1).PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 1629 Church-Decreased Annulment Garcia, Gwendolyn, F Population And Family Relations HB 1629 and 3705.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 5305 Citizen Service Act Macapagal-Arroyo, Gloria, Government Reorganization (c) Citizen Service Act.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 6595 Civil Partnership of Couples , Providing the Rights and Obligations Alvarez, Pantaleon, D. Women And Gender Equality HB No. 6595.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 46 Civil Registration Act Fortun, Lawrence Lemuel, H Population And Family Relations HB No. 46,586 Civil Registration Act.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 4700 Community Based Monitoring System Act of 2016 Garcia, Enrique, T Poverty Alleviation 4700.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 2195 Community Service Act Trillanes, Antonio , Fuentes Justice and Human Rights (c) Community Service Act.PDF!.pdf Enacted into Law as Republic Act No 17th Congress
Senate Bill 2172 Community-Based Monitoring System Act Binay, Maria Lourdes Nancy, S Social Justice, Welfare and Rural Development (c) Community-Based Monitoring System Act.PDF!.pdf Enacted into Law as Republic Act No 17th Congress
Senate Bill 28 Completion of the Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD) Component of the Comprehensive Agrarian Honasan, Gregorio, B Agrarian Reform 12. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper 28, 799, 1056.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 799 Completion of the Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD) Component of the Comprehensive Agrarian Recto, Ralph, G Agrarian Reform 12. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper 28, 799, 1056(1).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 1056 Completion of the Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD) Component of the Comprehensive Agrarian Hontiveros, Risa, B. Agrarian Reform 12. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper 28, 799, 1056(2).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 28 Completion of the Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD) Component of the Comprehensive Agrarian Re Honasan, Gregorio, B Agrarian Reform SB 28 799 1056.PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 8615 Comprehensive Tuberculosis Elimination Plan Act Tan, Angelina Helen, DL MD Health (c) Comprehensive Tuberculosis Elimination Plan Act.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 3160 Credit Assistance Program for Persons with Disabilities Tambunting, Gus, S Social Services 3160.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 479 Dam Safety Act of 2016 Sy-Alvarado, Ma Victoria, R Government Enterprises And Privatization HB 479.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 590 Death Penalty Trillanes, Antonio , Fuentes Justice and Human Rights SB 590 1448 335.PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 186 Delayed Payment of Bills for Persons Affected by a State of Calamity Act of 2015 Olivarez, Eric, L Social Services HB No. 186 Delayed Payment of Bills for Persons Affected by a State of Calamity Act of 2015.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 192 Department of Overseas Filipino Workers / Overseas Workers /Migration and Development Bertiz, Aniceto, D Government Reorganization HB 288 543 822 1936 2334 3255 4899.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Resolution 398 Directing the Senate Committee on Environment and Natural Resources to Conduct Inquiry, In Aid of Le Villar, Cynthia, A Environment and Natural Resources SR 398.PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 610 Disaster Service Volunteer Leave Act Trillanes, Antonio , Fuentes Civil Service and Government Reorganization 14. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 610.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
     Records 701 to 725 of 1022