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     Records 601 to 625 of 1022
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Bill Title
Bill Status
House Bill 4050 An Act Amending RA 8353, Also Known as the Anti-Rape law of 1997 Aglipay Villar, Emmeline, Y Revision Of Laws HB 97(3).PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 3398 An Act Amending RA 8972, otherwise known as the Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000 Brosas, Arlene, D. Revision Of Laws HB No. 3398 An Act Amending RA 8972, otherwise known as the Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000, by providing for Additional Benefits and Penal Provision for Violations of the Act.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 2664 An Act Amending RA 9262 Defining Electronic Violence against Women or E-VAW, Providing Protective Me Herrera-Dy, Bernadette, C. Information And Communications Technology HB 2664.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 2592 An Act Amending Republic Act No. 9262, Defining Electronic Violence against or E-VAW, Providing Prot Villarica, Linabelle Ruth, R Women And Gender Equality HB 2592 and 5153.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 590 An Act Authorizing the court to Require Community Service in Lieu of Imprisonment/Detention Trillanes, Antonio , Fuentes Justice and Human Rights 5. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 590, 1448, HBN 335.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 1448 An Act Authorizing the court to Require Community Service in Lieu of Imprisonment/Detention Angara, Juan Edgardo Sonny, M Justice and Human Rights 5. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 590, 1448, HBN 335(1).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 335 An Act Authorizing the court to Require Community Service in Lieu of Imprisonment/Detention Primicias-Agabas, Marlyn, L Justice and Human Rights 5. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 590, 1448, HBN 335(2).pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 3080 An Act Banning a funeral Agent from Entry into any Hospital with Intent of Having a Family Member of Castelo, Winston Winnie, Health HB No. 3080 An Act Banning a funeral Agent from Entry into any Hospital with Intent of Having a Family Member of a Dying or Terminally-III Patient Sign a Contract and Prescribing Penalties in Violation Thereof.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 5090 An Act Codifying the Alternative Child Care Laws of the Philippines Macapagal-Arroyo, Gloria, Welfare Of Children HB 5090.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 1859 An Act Creating a National Senior Vision Services Program for Elderly Persons with Functional Visual Aragones, Sol, Population And Family Relations House Bill No. 1859, 2823, 3328 An Act Creating a National Senior Vision Services Program for Elderly Persons with Functional Visual Impairments.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 1756 An Act Creating the Boracay Island Council Drilon, Franklin, M Environment and Natural Resources SB No. 1756.PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 1578 An Act Creating The Department Of Human Settlements And Urban Development, Defining Its Mandates, Po Legarda, Loren, B Urban Planning, Housing and Resettlement SB 1578.PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 146 An Act Creating the Department of Migration and Development, Defining its Powers and Functions Villar, Cynthia, A Labor, Employment & Human Resources Development 17. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 146.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 146 An Act Creating the Department of Migration and Development, Defining its Powers and Functions Villar, Cynthia, A Labor, Employment & Human Resources Development SB 146.PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 73 An act Creating the Emergency Response Department (ERD), Appropriating Funds Therefor Cayetano, Alan Peter Compa?ero, S National Defense and Security 19. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 73.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 73 An Act Creating the Emergency Response Department (ERD), Appropriating Funds Therefor Cayetano, Alan Peter Compa?ero, S National Defense and Security SB 73.PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 1102 An Act Creating the Office of the National Food Security and Appropriating 20 Billion Pesos from the Castelo, Winston Winnie, Government Reorganization HB 1102 1547 2908 4361 (2).PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 1149 An Act Creating the Youth Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program and Prevention and Providing Funds Villanueva, Joel, Jose Youth SB 1149.PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 209 An Act Declaring the Twenty-Fifth Dat of August of Every Year as the national Tech-Voch Day Villanueva, Joel, Jose Labor, Employment & Human Resources Development 18.(Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 209.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 209 An Act Declaring the Twenty-Fifth Day of August of Every Year as the national Tech-Voch Day Villanueva, Joel, Jose Labor, Employment & Human Resources Development SB 209.PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 2319 An Act Enhancing Protection for Women Inmates Held in Jails and Correctional Facilities Papandayan, Mauyag, B Justice HB 2319.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 7033 An Act Establishing a Comprehensive System for Registration and Licensing of Social Welfare and Deve Bravo, Anthony, M Rules HB 7033.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 3160 An Act Establishing a Credit Assistance Program for Persons for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) Tambunting, Gus, S Social Services HB 3160.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 992 An Act Establishing a Human Trafficking Prevention Education Program for the Youth and Appropriating Gatchalian, Sherwin, S. Youth SB 992.PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 968 An Act Establishing Social Welfare Attaches and for Other Purposes Villanueva, Joel, Jose Labor, Employment & Human Resources Development 15. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 968.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
     Records 601 to 625 of 1022