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     Records 676 to 700 of 1022
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Bill No
Bill Title
Bill Status
House Bill 8738 Anti-Discrimination of Illegitimacy Act Lopez, Carlo, V Welfare Of Children (c) Anti-Discrimination of Illegitimacy Act.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 372 Anti-Elder Abuse Bill Gatchalian, Sherwin, S. Justice and Human Rights SB No. 372 Anti-Elder Abuse Bill.PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 1524 Anti-Obscenity Act of 2016 Macapagal-Arroyo, Gloria, Public Information HB 1524 and 3694.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 729 Anti-Prostitution Act Escudero, Francis Chiz, G Justice and Human Rights HB 729.PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 6457 Authorizing the local Social Welfare and Development Officer of each Municipality to Order the Grant Gatchalian, Wes, Social Services HB 6457.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 800 Barangay Officials and Volunteer Workers' Social Security Benefits Act of 2016 Recto, Ralph, G Local Government (c) Barangay Officials and Volunteer Workers' Social Security Benefits Act of 2016.PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 494 Bill to Grant Hazard Pay to Cover All Government Employees including those in Government-Owned Trillanes, Antonio , Fuentes Civil Service and Government Reorganization 10. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 494, 503, 642.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 503 Bill to Grant Hazard Pay to Cover All Government Employees including those in Government-Owned Trillanes, Antonio , Fuentes Civil Service and Government Reorganization 10. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 494, 503, 642(1).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 642 Bill to Grant Hazard Pay to Cover All Government Employees including those in Government-Owned Trillanes, Antonio , Fuentes Civil Service and Government Reorganization 10. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 494, 503, 642(2).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 494 Bill to Grant Hazard Pay to Cover All Government Employees including those in Government-Owned or Co Trillanes, Antonio , Fuentes Finance SB 494 503 642.PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 53 Bills on Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Bag-ao, Kaka, J Health HB 53, 253 etc.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 4 Bills on Death Penalty Sotto, Vicente, C Justice and Human Rights 16. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 04, 42, 185, 186, 187, 368, 985, 368.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 42 Bills on Death Penalty Lacson, Panfilo, M. Justice and Human Rights 16. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 04, 42, 185, 186, 187, 368, 985, 368(1).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 185 Bills on Death Penalty Pacquiao, Emmanuel, D. Justice and Human Rights 16. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 04, 42, 185, 186, 187, 368, 985, 368(2).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 186 Bills on Death Penalty Pacquiao, Emmanuel, D. Justice and Human Rights 16. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 04, 42, 185, 186, 187, 368, 985, 368(3).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 187 Bills on Death Penalty Pacquiao, Emmanuel, D. Justice and Human Rights 16. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 04, 42, 185, 186, 187, 368, 985, 368(4).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 985 Bills on Death Penalty Gatchalian, Sherwin, S. Justice and Human Rights 16. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 04, 42, 185, 186, 187, 368, 985, 368(6).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 368 Bills on Death Penalty De Lima, Leila, L. Justice and Human Rights 16. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 04, 42, 185, 186, 187, 368, 985, 368(7).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 4 Bills on Death Penalty Sotto, Vicente, C Justice and Human Rights SB 04 42 185 186 187 368 985.PDF!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 74 Bills on Special Education Centers in all Public School Divisions Bills on Special Education Centers Vargas, Alfredo, D Basic Education And Culture HB 74, 217, 320 etc(1).PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
House Bill 1471 Bills to Address Issues Related to Violence Against Women and their Children Abayon, Harlin, C Women And Gender Equality HB 1471 2850 3813.PDF Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 249 Bills to Amend RA 7277 or the Magna Carta for Persons with Disability Legarda, Loren, B Health and Demography 20. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 249, 356, 377, 796.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 356 Bills to Amend RA 7277 or the Magna Carta for Persons with Disability Aquino, Paolo Benigno Bam, Health and Demography 20. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 249, 356, 377, 796(1).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 377 Bills to Amend RA 7277 or the Magna Carta for Persons with Disability Hontiveros, Risa, B. Health and Demography 20. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 249, 356, 377, 796(2).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
Senate Bill 796 Bills to Amend RA 7277 or the Magna Carta for Persons with Disability Recto, Ralph, G Health and Demography 20. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper SBN 249, 356, 377, 796(3).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 17th Congress
     Records 676 to 700 of 1022