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     Records 926 to 950 of 1022
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House Bill 4545 Early Voting for Senior Citizens & Persons with Disabilities Quisumbing, Gabriel Luis, R Suffrage And Electoral Reforms Senior Citizen.Position Paper.Committee on Suffage and Electroral Reforms.House Bill 4545.Early Voting for Senior Citizens And person with Disabilities.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
Senate Bill 530 Elderly Representation in every Sanggunian and Local Special Bodies in LGUs Legarda, Loren, B Local Government Elderly.Position Paper.Committee on Local Government.Senate Bill 530.Elderly Representation in every Sanggunian and Local Special Bodies in LGUs.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
Senate Bill 530 Elderly Representation in every Sanggunian and Local Special Bodies in LGUs Legarda, Loren, B Local Government (Signed) DSWD Position Paper addressed to Senator Marcos Jr. re SBN 530.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
House Bill 969 Emergency Management Agency Act Acedillo, Francisco Ashley, L National Defense And Security Disaster.Position Paper.Committee on National Defense and Security.House Bill 969.Emergency Management Agency Act of 2013.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
House Bill 969 Emergency Management Agency Act of 2013 Acedillo, Francisco Ashley, L National Defense And Security 20 (Signed) DSWD Position Paper addressed to Senator Biazon re. HBN 969.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
House Bill 4765 Enhanced Social Protection for the Self-Employed Working Poor Act of 2013 Rodriguez, Oscar, S Poverty Alleviation Poverty.Position Paper.Committee on Poverty Alleviation.House Bill 4765.Enhanced Social Protection for the Self-employed Working Poor Act of 2013.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
Senate Bill 2483 Exempting Persons with Disabilities from the Value Added Tax on Certain Goods and Services Recto, Ralph, G Ways and Means Senate Bill 2483.Exempting Persons with Disabilities from the Value Added Tax on certain Goods and Services(1).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
House Bill 3172 Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010 Tan, Angelina Helen, DL MD Population And Family Relations House Bill 3172. Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
Senate Bill 257 Family Care Act of 2013 Recto, Ralph, G Ways and Means Family.Position Paper.Committee on Ways and Means.Senate Bill 257.Family Care Act of 2013.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
House Bill 3177 Family Care Act of 2013 Tan, Angelina Helen, DL MD Population And Family Relations Family.Position Paper.Committee on Population and Family Relations.House Bill 3177.Family Care Act of 2013.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
House Bill 3117 Family Care Act of 2013 Tan, Angelina Helen, DL MD Population And Family Relations 16 (Signed) DSWD Position Paper addressed to Senator Espina re HBN 3177.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
Senate Bill 257 Family Care Act of 2013 Recto, Ralph, G Ways and Means 2 (Signed) Position Paper Senate Bill No. 257 or the _Family Care Act of 2013_.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
House Bill 206 Food for Filipinos Act of 2013 Ponce Enrile, Salvacion, S Government Enterprises And Privatization 5 (Signed) Position Paper House Bill 206.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
House Bill 838 Food for Subsidy Program Act of 2013 Santiago, Erlinda, M Food Security 7 (Signed) Position Paper _Food Subsidy Program Act of 2013,R42;R42;.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
House Bill 5437 Free Medicine Assistance Program for the Poor Villar, Mark, A Health Poverty.Position Paper.Committee on Health.House Bill 5437.Free Medicine Assistance Program for the Poor.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
Senate Bill 565 Homes for the Elderly Santiago, Miriam Defensor, Social Justice, Welfare and Rural Development Senior Citizen.Position Paper.Committee on Social Justice Welfare and Rural Development.Senate Bill 565.Homes for the Elderly.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
House Bill 899 Livelihood Enhancement Assistance Program Act of 2013 Santiago, Erlinda, M Poverty Alleviation Poverty.Position Paper.Committee on Poverty Alleviation. House Bill 899 Livelihood Enhancement Assistance Program Act of 2013(2).pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
Senate Bill 1478 Local Youth Development Act of 2013 Estrada, Jinggoy, Ejercito Youth Senate Bill 1478, 1679(1).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
Senate Bill 1999 Long-Term Care for Senior Citizens Act of 2013 Villar, Cynthia, A Social Justice, Welfare and Rural Development Senior Citizen.Position Paper.Committee on Justice Welfare.Senate Bill 1999.Long-term Care for Senior Citizens Act of 2013.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
Senate Bill 1999 Long-Term Care for Senior Citizens Act of 2013 Villar, Cynthia, A Social Justice, Welfare and Rural Development (Signed) DSWD Position Paper addressed to Senator Binay re. SBN 1999.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
House Bill 2923 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Rivera, Michael Angelo, C Poverty Alleviation 6 (Signed) Position Paper “An Act Creating the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to Promote Human Capital Development and Appropriating Funds Therefor.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
Senate Bill 2117 Magna Carta for Persons With Disabilities Aquino, Paolo Benigno Bam, Public Information and Mass Media Person with disability.Position Paper.Committee on Public Information and Mass Media.Senate Bill 2117.Magna Carta for Person with Disabilities.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
Senate Bill 2117 Magna Carta for Persons with Disabilities Aquino, Paolo Benigno Bam, Public Information and Mass Media (Signed) DSWD Position Paper addressed to Senator Poe re. SBN 2117.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
House Bill 25 Magna Carta of the Poor Del Mar, Raul, V Poverty Alleviation Poverty.Position Paper.Committee on Poverty Alleviation.House Bill 25, 598, 452, 1364 Magna Carta of the Poor.pdf Approved on 3rd Reading 16th Congress
Senate Bill 37 Magna Carta of the Poor Trillanes, Antonio , Fuentes Social Justice, Welfare and Rural Development 7 (Signed) DSWD Position Paper addressed to Senator Binay re. SBN 37.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 16th Congress
     Records 926 to 950 of 1022