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     Records 276 to 300 of 1022
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Bill No
Bill Title
Bill Status
House Bill 5612 Data Privacy Act 2012 Yap, Victor, A. Information And Communications Technology SBN 1188 AND 5612(1).pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 27 Death Penalty Act of 2019 Lacson, Panfilo, M. Justice and Human Rights (r) Capital Punishment in the Philippines(14).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 226 Death Penalty Law Dela Rosa, Ronald, M. Justice and Human Rights (r) Capital Punishment in the Philippines(18).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 796 Death Penalty Law of 2019 Revilla, Ramon Bong, Justice and Human Rights (r) Capital Punishment in the Philippines(23).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 381 Death Penalty on the Heinous Crime of Kidnapping Pacquiao, Emmanuel, D. Justice and Human Rights (r) Capital Punishment in the Philippines(19).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 382 Death Penalty on the Heinous Crime of Rape with Homicide Pacquiao, Emmanuel, D. Justice and Human Rights (r) Capital Punishment in the Philippines(20).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 1373 Declaring Child Marriage as Illegal Hontiveros, Risa, B. Women, Family Relations and Gender Equality (r)Declaring Child Marriage As Illegal.pdf!.pdf For Calendar of Business - Second Reading 18th Congress
House Bill 4922 Declaring Hazing a Heinous Crime If,As A Consequence of The Hazing,Death,Rape,Sodomy,or Mutilation Rodriguez, Rufus, B Justice (r) Capital Punishment in the Philippines(13).pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 2234 Department of Migrants Workers and Overseas Filipino Act Pimentel, Aquilino 'Koko', Labor, Employment & Human Resources Development SBN 2234.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 736 Disaster Preparedness in Schools Act Angara, Juan Edgardo Sonny, M Basic Education, Arts and Culture SBN 1674, 1140, 960, 736, 439,(1).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
House Bill 938 Disaster Service Leave Act Cabochan, Manuel III, D. Disaster Resilience HBN 938, 5042 and 7921.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 1933 Domestic Administrative Adoption Act Poe, Grace, L Women, Children, Family Relations and Gender Equality 4. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper re SBN 1933.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 1933 Domestic Administrative Adoption Act Acosta, Ryan Alvin, R. Office of the Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs(ODESLA) 12. (Signed) DSWD Position Paper addressed to Atty. Acosta re. SBN 1933 or HBN 8998.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 242 Drug Rehabilitation Centers Sotto, Vicente, C Public Order and Dangerous Drugs SBN 242, 399, 464, 513, 658, 749 AND 1099.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 399 Drug Rehabilitation Centers Go, Christopher Lawrence, T. Public Order and Dangerous Drugs SBN 242, 399, 464, 513, 658, 749 AND 1099(1).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 464 Drug Rehabilitation Centers Revilla, Ramon Bong, Public Order and Dangerous Drugs SBN 242, 399, 464, 513, 658, 749 AND 1099(2).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 513 Drug Rehabilitation Centers Dela Rosa, Ronald, M. Public Order and Dangerous Drugs SBN 242, 399, 464, 513, 658, 749 AND 1099(3).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 658 Drug Rehabilitation Centers Revilla, Ramon, Bong Public Order and Dangerous Drugs SBN 242, 399, 464, 513, 658, 749 AND 1099(4).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 749 Drug Rehabilitation Centers Poe, Grace, L Public Order and Dangerous Drugs!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 1099 Drug Rehabilitation Centers Villar, Cynthia, A Public Order and Dangerous Drugs SBN 242, 399, 464, 513, 658, 749 AND 1099(5).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 1167 Educational Success for Homeless Children and Youth Binay, Maria Lourdes Nancy, S Basic Education (r)Educational Success for Homeless Children and Youth.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
House Bill 3397 Elderly Care and Nursing Complex Act of 2019 Revilla, Strike, B. Senior Citizen HBN 485, 1688, 3295, 3397, 5448(3).pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
House Bill 5542 Electronic Gadget-Free Schools Act Robes, Florida, P. Welfare Of Children (r)Child Friendly Internet Act(9).pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 111 Electronic Violence Against Women and Children (E-VAWC) and OSAEC Binay, Maria Lourdes Nancy, S Women, Children, Family Relations and Gender Equality SBN 111, 812, 2068, 1632, 1923, 487 and 604.pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
Senate Bill 812 Electronic Violence Against Women and Children (E-VAWC) and OSAEC Hontiveros, Risa, B. Women, Family Relations and Gender Equality SBN 111, 812, 2068, 1632, 1923, 487 and 604(1).pdf!.pdf Committee Level 18th Congress
     Records 276 to 300 of 1022