1Approved on 1st ReadingThe bill’s title, number and author are read in plenary. After which the bill is referred to the proper committee.00000/00/0032015/06/04
2Committee LevelThe proper committee conducts public consultation on the bill. Referral of the bill to other committees may also be done for budgetary, tax and revenue concerns. The committee has the power to approve the bill without an amendment / with changes or recommends substitution or consolidation with other similar bills. Final output is a Committee Report.00000/00/00
3For Calendar of Business – 2nd ReadingThe Committee Report with the approved bill version is submitted to the Committee on Rules for calendaring for Second Reading.00000/00/00
4Approved on 2nd ReadingThe bill author delivers sponsorship speech on the floor. Legislators engage in debate, interpellation, turno en contra and rebuttal to highlight the pros and cons of the bill. This is followed by ‘period of amendments’ which incorporates necessary changes in the bill as proposed by the committee or introduced by the legislators themselves on the floor. With support from the majority of legislators, the bill is approved on 2nd Reading.00000/00/00
5For Calendar of Business – 3rd ReadingHappens three (3) days after copy of the bill approved on 2nd Reading has been distributed to all legislators.00000/00/00
6Approved on 3rd ReadingThe bill’s title is read on the floor. Nominal voting is held. If passed, the approved bill is referred to other chamber for concurrence.00000/00/00
7For Bicameral ConferenceIf there are certain differences, a Bicameral Conference Committee is called to reconcile conflicting provisions of versions from both chambers. Conference committee submits report on the reconciled version of the bill, duly approved by both chambers.00000/00/00